Garden Feng Shui

Shifting in the Yang energy of Spring & Summer

What does the outside of your house have to do with the inside energy?  It has plenty to do with moving and shifting the energy in the spaces of your home.  If you have neglected the front door location with doors that need to be painted, locks or doorbells that don’t work properly, then you are sending this negative chi right through the front door.  This location is the mouth of chi/energy and ALL energy flows through the door, whether positive or negative. 

Here are some tips for working your gardens to fit within the art of Feng Shui:

  • Make sure all plants are taken care of and kept healthy.  If a plant dies at the front door, remove it immediately and replace with a healthy, vibrant, colorful plant.

  • Paint that door and keep door bells working properly.

  • Make sure the door opens easily and nothing blocks the entrance way.

  • A good Feng Shui protection is to have to tall plants or 2 tall vases that can be located on each side of your door.  Think guards at your front door, this is the symbolism of the plants or vases.

  • Replace your welcome mats and choose a vibrant color and one that says “welcome.”

  • A good reminder of how to keep your entrance area looking great is to look around the neighborhood.  Who has the most welcoming entrance way?  Model yours to create your own lovely spaces.

Do you have a question about Feng Shui in your garden? Come over to my Facebook page FengShuiABC & ask me! I’d love to help.